2023年第23届首尔世界烟花节(Seoul International Fireworks Festival 2023) 于十月七日在韩国首尔汝矣岛汉江公园举行。SUNNY受邀参与此次烟花节,将中国特色优质烟花展现在异国,展现烟花独有的绚烂魅力。
以 “A Dream Comes True” (梦想成真) 为主题,百万观众群聚汊江,烟花点亮首尔夜空。燃放团队齐心合力,用专业和技术确保施放的安全与成功。
“星辰大海”是一种意象,用以暗示宇宙范围内的壮观景色, “星辰”代表遥远和未知,而“大海”代表宏大无比,无边无际。它提醒着我们坚定信念,探索未知,憧憬无限可能。烟花如万物复苏,震撼视觉。在星辰大海中问苍海,去追寻最美的理想。

2023 Seoul International Fireworks Festival was held in Hanjiang Park, Seoul, South Korea. The theme of SUNNY group is A Dream Comes True, illuminating fireworks in Seoul night sky. The "Starry Sea" is an image used to imply spectacular scenery within the universe. The "Stars" represent distant and unknown, while the "Sea" represents vast and boundless. It reminds us to firmly believe, explore the unknown, and looking forward to infinite possibilities. The fireworks like the resurrection of all things, shocking the visual experience, pursuing the most beautiful dreams.

龙年 飞龙在天